Lexie Grey was the daughter of Susan and Thatcher Grey and half-sister of Meredith Grey. She was a surgical resident at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital until she died in the plane crash. After her death, the hospital was renamed after her and Mark Sloa
等了一个暑假,Grey终于回来了,没有坠机,没有流血,也没了Lexie。 其实从第八季结束就各种流言四起,Lexie的离去其实已成定局,可是人总是有点不甘的,盼望着也许烟雾弹散去,Lexie就起死回生了。但是她终究还是离开了,比起剧里的其他角色,Lexie不是最漂亮的,但是她善良,她勇敢,甚至有点知书达理(好吧,有点夸张...
GREY'S ANATOMY - "That's Me Trying" - The residents are pushed to their limits when Owen puts them through a rigorous trauma certification drill; meanwhile, Cristina is also tested when left alone to monitor a very ill lung transplant patient, on "Grey's Anatomy," THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4 (...
#Greys Anatomy# S17E10 Lexie和Mark都到Mer的沙滩上来了,真的很可惜Lexie是通过绿幕拍的[委屈] http://t.cn/A6cLjc5z