1.首先是setup函数的声明,有两种写作形式 % 声明function模块名称(block)setup(block);end% 实现setupfunctionsetup(block)...end或% 直接实现function模块名称(block)...end 考虑到函数的可读性,推荐使用第一种方法 2.setup函数需要定义的东西 block.NumInputPorts/NumOutputPorts:直连S-Function的输入输出端口数量...
在Parameters中填写参数,在Mask Editor中为参数增加控件,在S函数代码中通过固定API获取参数进行计算。
Use Level-2 MATLAB S-function in model expand all in page Libraries: Simulink / User-Defined Functions Description This block allows you to use a Level-2 MATLAB®S-function (seeWrite Level-2 MATLAB S-Functions) in a model. To do this, create an instance of this block in the model. ...
Use Level-2 MATLAB S-function in model expand all in page Libraries: Simulink / User-Defined Functions Description This block allows you to use a Level-2 MATLAB®S-function (seeWrite Level-2 MATLAB S-Functions) in a model. To do this, create an instance of this block in the model. ...
that the above S-function code is a 'Level-2 MATLAB S-function', but the block used supports 'Level-1 S-functions' only. Thesetup(block)method, along with features such as dynamic port handling and the use ofblock.RegBlockMethodto register callbacks, are specific to Level-2 S-functions...
Level-1是兼容以前版本的MATLAB、 Level-2是用于扩展M文件的S函数仿真。 Matlab允许你使用以下五种方式之一来实现S函数: A Level-1 M-file S-function provides a simple M interface to interact with a small portion of the S-function API. Level-2 M-file S-functions supersede Level-1 M-file S-fun...
Open in MATLAB Online 所有输入均为标量,不知道哪里生成了宽度为2的向量。。。 第一次用S-function,求大神帮忙看一下,谢谢! 以下是报错, function Observerfcn(block) % Level-2 MATLAB file S-Function for times two demo. % Copyright 1990-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. ...
如下即是dx=x+u的level 2 M-file s-function的主要部分,其它自己弄 function InitConditions(block)block.ContStates.Data = 0;function Output(block)block.OutputPort(1).Data = block.ContStates.Data;function Derivative(block)block.Derivatives.Data =block.ContStates.Data+block.InputPort(1)....