将本单元Letslearn部分的单词卡片制作在一张转盘上,转动转盘,指针指到哪一个上面,同桌二人就围绕词语运用本单元的 句型:Whatdidyoudo?Wheredidyougo?Howdidyougothere?来进行回答。 (2)学生分男女生两组唱Tellmeaboutyourholiday,调动气氛。 Step2:Presentation (1)完成Letscheck。 A.组织学生观察图片,并开火车运用...
Let's go 6 by:KPF剑桥成长中心 1.7万 Let's go 3 by:KPF剑桥成长中心 1.1万 Kids Let's Talk by:411英文绘本图书室 13.9万 Let's Learn English by:重庆_Peter_Wong 10.8万 let's go 1 by:April小施 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 ...
这组名为《出发吧!去中国》Let's Go to China的文化系列纪录片,由中国日报网独家策划出品,以丝路文化为主线,聚焦了中国瓷器、造纸书法、中医中药、丝绸与服装设计、动漫游戏、红色旅游六个话题,鲜活记录了凯文·库克一路上的奇趣经历…...
1、Unit 6 Lets go!Lesson 35: Lets Go to the Museum!Lead-inDo you want to go to the museum?What will you see in the museum?Lead-inLead-inWe will seeLead-inLead-inmuseum n.hall n.famous adj.painting n.boring adj.war n.learn v.history n.area n.gift n.博物馆博物馆会堂;大厅;走廊...
1 ThisisLee.Nicetomeetyou.Nicetomeetyou,too!PPT学习交流 2 卡通动物见面会:PPT学习交流 3 Let’schant ThisisMrJones.ThisisMissGreen.Goodmorning,MrJones.Goodmorning,MissGreen.PPT学习交流 4 Talkaboutthepicture Whattimeisit?Isitinthemorning?PPT学习交流 5 afternoona-f-t-e-r-n-o-o-n PPT学习...
The children had to go onreading things again and again until they knew them by heart. Today, many teachers wonder if it is p-2 to make children learnat all times. Theysay you can o_3help them learn. They say you must let children learn and discoverthings by t___.But for some ...