In an environment characterised by their dynamism, this study identifies the obstacles to the creation and the emergence of small enterprises in Cameroun and Tchad. On a sample of 135 enterprises, the authors point out that the two countries face the same major obstacles of financial and ...
Purpose: The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of executive demographic characteristics on the environmental indicator of CSR in Cameroonian financial and non-financial firms, including gender, age, education level and nationality of the executive. Method: Data from th...
454 Ngaoundéré-CAMEROUNElsevier B.V.La Revue Gestion et OrganisationNgongang D. (2013). Actionnariat salarie comme levier de creation de valeur ajoutee et de productivite dans les entreprises camerounaises. Revue Gestion et Organisation, 5, 1, 1-8....
The age of enterprise does not in any case explain the level of importance attached to the management control tools.doi:10.1016/j.rgo.2013.12.005NgongangDagobertElsevier B.V.La Revue Gestion et Organisation