Hansruedi SurerSaturnin ClaudeAndré Jacot-GuillarmodWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica ActaR. Tabacchi, L. Vuitel, & A. Jacot-Guillarmod, " Etudes Sur Les Composes Organometallique, IX. " Helv. Chim. Acta, 53, 1495-1499 (1970)....
spectra in which the methyl and the methylene protons have different chemical shifts.The conformations of the β-hydroxyketones and the β-diols were studied by i.r. spectroscopy. Models for a preferred attack of the organomagnesium compounds are proposed and product-determining transition states ...
E´ tude, par Spectros- copie infra-rouge, de la Conformation de quelques Com- pose´s peptidiques mode`les. Biopolymers 8:69-89, 1969.M. Avignon, P. V. Huang, J. Laskombe, M. Marraud, and J. Neel, Biopolymers, 8 , 69 (1969)....
The CH 2 stretching and bending frequencies have been studied with good resolving power in O- and S- heterocyclic saturated molecules. Sulfur has a marked lowering effect (∼ 40 cm –1 ) on the bending frequency of neighbour CH 2 groups. This vibration is not significantly altered by the ...