In our research work, we have been involved in the development of new catalytic reactions of unsaturated bicyclic[2. 2. 1] compounds and alkynes. An efficient palladium catalysed addition of terminal alkynes across one double bond of norb...
The role of chemical heterogeneity has been analysed through the experimental and calculated results. Finally, a good correlation has been obtained between measurements and calculation of the deformation during cooling of a 3D "croissant" shaped specimen.L Josephbibliogr...
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Furthermore, these last results allowed us to determine the volume shrinkage after polymerization associated with the presence of one mole of double bonds in the liquid formulationR. RothsteinK. BinovicBibliogr
Françoise FrincardVéronique DuperrinFabrice PecotMichelle LévyThierry TréminePsychiatria Danubina
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