The formation of imidazo[4,5- b ]pyridinones from imidazo[1,5- b ]-triazepinones through a new transposition is also shown.doi:10.1002/jhet.5570150608A. BernardiniPh. ViallefontR. ZniberJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
Naves Y R. Etudes sur les matiere vegetales volatiles XLVI.Sur le Dedoublement de la d.1-a-ionone[J].Helvetica Chimica Acta,1947.769-774.doi:10.1002/hlca.19470300310.Naves Y R , Etudes sur les matiere vegetales volatiles XL2 V I. Sur le Dedoublement de la d. 1 - a - ionone, ...
These spectra can be interpreted using a model that considers the interactions between the nitrogen lone pair and the carbonyl group. The existence of an equilibrium between the conformers caused by the different orientations of the nitrogen lone pair with respect to the carbonyl group can be ...
Returns to themes sounded in the previous two chapters, elaborating them in the context of regulatory federalism: Majone discusses how regulatory independence may be reconciled with accountability, in a context where important policy-making powers are delegated to non-majoritarian institutions, an issue...
It is demonstrated by comparison of absolute of lavender and oil of lavender that the β-caryophyllene contained in the latter is an artefact.Helvetica Chimica ActaYves-René NavesPaul OchsnerPaul Tullen
De la protection contrel′hydrolyse enzymatique exercée par les groupesphosphorylesⅡ. POSTEMAK T,GRAFL S. Helvetica Chimica Acta . 1945Posternak, T. et al. " De la protection contre l'hydrolyse enzymatique exercée par les groupes phosphoryles II. Sur la préparation de quelques peptides ...
Correlation of Growth between Mycelium and Rhizomorphs in Sphaerostilbe repens In Sphaerostilbe repens Berkeley and Broome, cultured on a solid medium in Petri dishes, growth of mycelium and chizomorphs depends on the thickness of the culture medium underlying the thallus. On shallow layers of ...
Canadian Journal of Chemical EngineeringF.Lapique, J.Lede, J.Villermaux, Reacteurs de Trempe dans les Procedes Chimiques a Haute Temperature. Application a la Thermolyse de l'Eau, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.63, June 1985....
The study of the mass spectrum of the 1.2 dialkyl derivatives of the cyclopentane enabled us to point out a noticeable exaltation of the differences in the abundance of ions obtained at the expense of cis and trans isomers of those derivatives, when the energy of the electrons progressively ...
Calculated δΔ G ≠ values confirm the existence of such an effect and the results are consistent with the intermediate formation of a “reactant-like” transition state in these reactions.Boyer, B.Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Physique, Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 34060...