On the other hand, a qubit channel allows for realizing non-cryptographic oblivious transfer with probability roughly 85%, whereas 75% is the classical limit.Peters SusanneFouquet ChantalKluwer Academic PublishersNatural Computing An International Journal...
Les déambulations et présentations furent assurées par le groupeRegards Vénitiens, au sein duquel chaque membre se consacre avec passion aux personnages du carnaval de Venise, incarnés le temps d'une féérique parenthèse, en créant lui-même son extravagant vêtement dans les plus belles ...
doi:10.1016/0929-693X(96)84688-4E BassonM Di MaioD StammS CagninC BergerD FloretE BassonM Di MaioS CagninC BergerELSEVIERArchives De Pédiatrie
Tristan Corbi猫re is an important and original poet, author of the eclectic and ironic 1873 volume Les Amours jaunes . Troubled identity is a central theme and too often considered as a universal rather than rooted in the particular region which dominated Corbi猫re's life. He was born in ...
Die Makromolekulare ChemieBauduin, G, Bessière, JM, Bondon, D, Martel, J, Pietrasanta, Y (1982) Recherche de telomeres à activité pharmacologique potentielle. 5. Reactions sur les telomères de l’acide acrylique. Makromol. Chem 183: pp. 3491...
It finds natural genetic variation among Arabidopsis accessions for resistance against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica, identifies several QTL for nematode resistance, and fine-maps one of these resistance QTL.Mukhaimar, Maisara
Seventy-one samples of aggregates representative of the various sedimentary rock types exploited in the St. Lawrence Lowlands were submitted to standard and experimental laboratory tests to evaluate their potential alkali-reactivity in concrete. Among these, only the Trenton and Black River limestones ...
The elaborated model, called Zero-Dimensional, simulates the average conduct of the site during the time of variable states that are representatives of the studied ecosystem. This model will provide answers for the studied phenomena and is a work tool adequate for numerical simplicity.J. LAKHDAR ...
It can be used to evaluate and adjust public health messages.doi:10.1016/j.respe.2016.12.025M. PivetteV. AuvigneP. GuérinJ.E. MuellerElsevier Masson SASRevue Depidemiologie Et De Santé Publique
Naves, Y.-R. and Grampoloff, A.-V.: Etudes sur les matieres vege- tales volatiles CLXXV. Sur les produits obtenus a partir de l'ozonolyse du (+)- 3-carene, Helv. Chim. Acta, 44, 637-642, 1961.NAVES Y R , GRAMPOLOFF A V. Etudes sur les matieres vegetales volatiles CLXXV...