The research's subject consists in studing the activity of the french companies on the outside markets and their effects on the moroccan economy. The present investigation means to explain that :. At the first time, the main reasons concerni...
Estimation de la temperature maximale d'enfouissement du Toarcien et du Callovo-Oxfordien au centre du bassin de Paris par les marqueurs organiques. Comptes Rendus Geosciences 337, 1323-1330.Menetrier, C., Elie, M., Martinez, L., Le Solleuz, A., Disnar, J.-R., Robin, C., ...
In this study, the structure and activity of the nitrate-reducers community were analysed in bulk and rhizospheric soils from three different non-isogenic transgenic cultivars of maize (two Bacillus thuringiensis maize and one glyphosate-resistant maize) in a long-term field experiment. DNA was ...
Infrared spectra of ethyl α-aminoacetates show three bands in the carbonyl region. Solvent effects show that this is not due to Fermi resonance. These spectra can be interpreted using a model that considers the interactions between the nitrogen lone pair and the carbonyl group. The existence of...
(1988) Les lichens sur serpentine et amphibolite du plateau du mont Albert, Gaspe´sie, Que´bec. Canadian Journal of Botany, 66, 851-862.Sirois, L., F. Lutzoni et M.M. Grandtner, 1988. Les lichens sur serpentine et amphibolite du plateau du mont Albert, Gaspesie, Quebec. ...