At the third time, the french subsidiary companies, jointventure, are so adapted to the moroccan environment that they generate more favorable effects on the local economy than negatives effects.Anthony EdwardsLille
At the turn of the seventeenth century, George Chapman's four French tragedies are one of the most significant testimonies on the political and philosophical mutations in the English society. Through the staging of the contemporary history of France under Henry III and...
A AudurierC BoudèneJ BousquetB LejeuneO MorinM.C AubryELSEVIERMédecine Et Maladies InfectieusesMarrackchi, C., et al. 2002. La perception de l'hygiene domestique par les Francaises. Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses 32, 41-48.Marrakchi C., Stahl J.P., Berthelot P., Squinazi F., ...