Seventy-one percent of parturients are illiterate, 61% from a disadvantaged socioeconomic status, 47% originated from a rural, half of the abused are multiparous with an average of 4.2 living children, 35% unplanned pregnancies. 37% of pregnant partners are unemployed and 86% have toxic ...
Instabilité de l’estime de soiNarcissisme mégalomaniaqueNarcissisme vulnérableNiveau d’estime de soiViolence conjugaleGrandiose narcissismIntimate partner violenceSelf-esteem instabilitySelf-esteem levelVulnerable narcissismIntimate partner violence is a major public health problem. Psychological characteristics...
Facteurs associés à la violence conjugale chez les femmes en République Démocratique du Congo(RDC)The Belgian situation in road safety is one of the poorer in European Union. Moreover, the barometers of road safety show, between 2006 and 2007, increases of 4.6% in accidents and 4.3% of...