The measurements covered a fairly wide temperature interval, both below and above the glass transition temperature T g . In all cases a secondary, or β absorption band was found, which could not be attributed to cooperative movements of the chain segments. The dispersion curves could not be ...
On the other hand, there exist numerous models of a same process: mathematical and symbolic models, graphic models, analogic and numeric models. The paper ends with remarks on the limits and the applications of models, namely in adaptative systems, as well as on their philosophical scope. Get...
La sélection attentive des éléments clés, comme les activités professionnelles confiables, les évaluations et l'utilisation appropriée de l'observation directe, favorisera l'adoption de l’EMAC. Des tests pilotes peuvent permettre la participation du corps professoral et des apprenants, et à ...
The observed changes in an alcoholic solution have been proven to be the result of elimination followed by photochemical reduction. Similar conclusions have been reached in the case of quinone dibromides.J. Y. SavoieP. Brassardcanadian journal of chemistry...
A gel including aescin, essential phospholipids (EPL), and heparin (EG) has been used for many years for local treatment of venous, microcirculatory alterations (varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency). Bruises, swelling, thrombophlebitis, and contusions are effectively treated with this ...
An accelerated beam irradiation was applied in 11 cases, a surgical excision was carried out in 4 cases, and a 60 CO-applicator used for 3 patients. Three enucleations were carried out straight away. In this study we present the clinical characteristics of melanomas of young people, the ...
NA;Memoir upon the Real Effects which may be produced by Tobacco, upon the health of the workmen engaged in its various preparations.By Messrs. Parent Duchatelet and D'Arcet.NA;The American Journal of the Medical Sciences
In particular this indicated a rise in the peak flow towards the resort, which may activate erosive processes above the debris flow source areas. Aujourd’hui, l’homme, par les progrès techniques qu’il développe, défie les limites autrefois imposées par la nature, en colonisant des ...
Mass spectrometric investigation of cis and trans decalines shows an influence of geometrical isomerism on the behavior of these two compounds under electron bombardment. Qualitatively mass spectra are identical, but quantitatively differences appear between relative abundances of molecular ions and most ...
The setting of the tension of the medial recti is the touchstone of this surgery.Roth, AHuguenin, FBianchi-Delarue, LRomy, MKlin Monatsbl Augenheilkd