To evaluate the effects of anesthetic induction on bi-ventricular function in patients with known preoperative left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (CABG). Fifty patients with diastolic dysfunction undergoing CABG were studied. Preoperative transthoracic...
Acta ZoologicaGavrilov, K. 1935 . Contribution à l′étude de l′autofécondation chez les Oligochètes. Acta Zool (Stockh) 16: 21 – 64 .Gavrilov, C., 1935. Contribution à l’étude de l’autofécondation chez les Oligochètes. Acta zool. 16: 21–64....
Sagittal plane blocade chez les patients présentant un hallux limitus fonctionnel (HLF). Résultats après ténolyse endocopique du tendon du long fléchisseur de l’hallux par un modèle multi-segment, une étude comparative et prospective...
Consiste en una arquitectura con una red r1 alimentada desde otra red r2 o viceversa por un convertidor CC/CC, con la red r2 conectada a un generador G y alimentando un motor S, y ambas redes r1,r2 conectadas a correspondientes baterías B1, B2, comprend
Alibert G, Ranjeva R, Boudet A (1972) Recherches sur les enzymes catalysant la biosynthèse des acides phenolique chez Quercus pedunculata III. Formation sequentielle, à partir de la phenylalanine, des acid cinnamique, β -coumarique et caffeique, par des organites cellulaires isolés. ...
Gailloud, ClZografos, LBercher, LUffer, SEgger, EKlin Monatsbl AugenheilkdGailloud C et al (1992) Uveal melanomas in patients less than 20 years of age. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 200:428–430
In these studies, we showed that the DC subset organisation is conserved between several mammal species and we generated molecular data for the development of new vaccines, based on more efficient DC targeting.Contreras, VanessaNotes Bibliogr
It finds natural genetic variation among Arabidopsis accessions for resistance against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica, identifies several QTL for nematode resistance, and fine-maps one of these resistance QTL.Mukhaimar, Maisara
Identification of the cellular source of expression during renal obstruction may have therapeutic implications for the targeted inhibition of production and potential amelioration of obstructive renal injury.doi:10.1097/01.ju.0000138902.57626.70ChappeBonnichon, Valé...
Objectives The primary objective of this study was to determine the proportion of cases of gastro-enteritis due to rotavirus in children under 5 years of age consulting community physicians. A secondary objective was to compare the clinical characteristics of children with and without rotavirus acute ...