this methodology is a simple, iterative and incremental development process. the methodology is based on structured disciplined development processes, on principles of user centered design (ucd) processes, specified in the international organization for standardization - iso 13407, as well as on ...
Scalar waves PhysicsNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/hlca.19490320744Naves, Y. ‐RGrampoloff, A. ‐VWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta
A deterministic model based upon the impedance signal was performed; lithium intercalation inside the composite cathode is normalized and included in the faradaic current. Conservation of charge is considered for the cathodic process by a balance of the charge鈥揹ischarge natural process on the ...
Game-based learning is one efficient pedagogical concept that uses game principles to incite learners to engage into learning activities. Learning Games (LG) are commonly known as digital environments. They have undeniable assets but also some limits, such as the artificiality of the learning ...
All member states of the European Union offer this type of support which takes the form of financial allowances due to the family. However, the comparison between european national family policies shows a wide heterogeneity of the basis and financial means of theses policies. There is not one ...
Two hundred and sixteen (216) patients (mean age 65卤13 years, 164 (76 %) were males and, 41 (19 %) were diabetics) had a PCI for stable angina or silent ischemia (47 %), unstable angina or acute coronary syndrome (ACS) ST (26 %), ACS ST+48 hours1 month (3 %). Two ...
The elaborated model, called Zero-Dimensional, simulates the average conduct of the site during the time of variable states that are representatives of the studied ecosystem. This model will provide answers for the studied phenomena and is a work tool adequate for numerical simplicity.J. LAKHDAR ...
Tristan Corbi猫re is an important and original poet, author of the eclectic and ironic 1873 volume Les Amours jaunes . Troubled identity is a central theme and too often considered as a universal rather than rooted in the particular region which dominated Corbi猫re's life. He was born in ...
These equations are coupled for the solution of Stefan's problem for different conditions of ice in soils. The degrees of freedom of this problem are soil temperature, water pressure, and solute concentration. A model is proposed to simulate the presence and formation of ice lenses in ...
doi:10.1055/s-2008-1050965Treatment of a retinal vascular occlusion consists in restoration of normal oxygenation to the affected area. An experimentally induced increase in arterial CO2 provokes an increase in preretinal CO2 in a hypoxic retinal area which has developed after venous obstruction, but...