The relationship between a postulated HLA-Dw product defined by cellular techniques and DR and DC products serologically detected, remains controversal. One interpretation would be that there is no HLA-Dw product , and that the HLA-Dw phenotype defined by primary MLR is the result of the ...
Long time samplings...doi:10.1111/j.2153-3490.1966.tb00276.xA. RENOUXFaculté des Sciences de Paris, Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Fontenay-aux-Roses (Seine), FranceTellus
The term ‘galectin’ is a new family name for a group of animal lectins exhibiting one metal-independant carbohydrate recognition domain specific for 尾-galactosides. This binding site has a special protein sequence which is necessary for fulfilling the definition of this protein-family presently ...
Expansion values of 0.1 and 0.15%, obtained respectively after 14 days in the accelerated mortar bar test (1 M NaOH at 80 °C) and 5 h of autoclave curing (0.17 MPa at 130 °C and 100% relative humidity), can only be used as acceptance limits, since nonexpansive aggregates ...
Geuskens, G.Université Libre De Bruxelles Faculté des Sciences Service de Chimie OrganiqueKlopman, G.Université Libre De Bruxelles Faculté des Sciences Service de Chimie OrganiqueJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges
From these results, the conception emerges that the strepogenine polypeptides may be characterized by an amino acid (in this group of peptides, cystine) which must be linked to particular amino acid residues. If this conception is correct, there should exist several types of strepogenines ...
Die Makromolekulare ChemieBauduin, G, Bessière, JM, Bondon, D, Martel, J, Pietrasanta, Y (1982) Recherche de telomeres à activité pharmacologique potentielle. 5. Reactions sur les telomères de l’acide acrylique. Makromol. Chem 183: pp. 3491...
From their results concerning mainly radical chlorinations of substituted alkanes and from other literature data dealing with this subject, the authors discuss about mesomeric effects of substituents in relation with medium and reactants modifications. With the aid of a properly modified structure-...
Salah AiecheJournal of Polymer Science Polymer Chemistry EditionJenner G,Aieche S.Copolymerisations radicalaires sous haute pression.Influence de la pression sur les rapports de reactivite. Journal of Polymer Science Part A:Polymer Chemistry . 1978...