Legends never die When the world is calling you Can you hear them screaming out your name Legends never die They never lose hope when everything's cold And the fighting's near It's deep in their bones they'll run into smoke When the fire is fierce Oh pick yourself up '...
分辨真切 Legends never die They become a part of you Every time you bleed for reaching greatness 传奇不朽 为无上荣耀浴血追求 故青史名留 功成身就 Legends never die They're written down in eternity But you'll never see the price it costs 传奇不朽 他们仍在探求 但年少的你们不曾拥有 也从不...
I name this song legend never die Who is it Who is it Who is it Hi this is Michael Jackson Who is it Who is it Who is it 查看完整歌词 设为彩铃 35 AI·DJ AI唢呐 AI钢琴 AI骨笛 AI伴奏 AI清唱 AI尤克 AI调速 下载歌曲打开酷狗 评论...
专辑:Legend Never Die流派:另类/独立 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:brenda erlando 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Take It One SecondBREN,brenda erlando Shadow BackBREN,brenda erlando You and MeBREN,brenda erlando Lets GoBREN,brenda erlando Well DoneBREN,brenda erlando Enemy a HeadBREN,brenda ...
「红色马自达 Red Mazda」讲述了我的那辆老车,他曾是我妈的车,回国后就一直是我在开,2022年年底我开着他,载着我所有的家当塞了满满一车,独自一人从上海开到了成都,纵使他已经饱经风霜,但他已然成为我了生命中重要的一部分 而最后一首Outro「Legends Never Die」也呼应了我的Intro「Die A Legend」,意味生命...
专辑:Legends Never Die流派:嘻哈/说唱 立即播放 收藏(3) 分享 下载歌曲 What do you see in Juice WRLD Like talk about the talent that you see from him You just brought him out on stage in front of all these people I see you said he is like the best freestyler alive He like He like ...
歌词中有这样一句: 很难和昨天说再见,我会带着这份记忆,让它化作雨后的阳光 。也许,科比离开了这个世界,但他不会离开球迷。只是化作洛杉矶的阳光,温暖大家,如往日一样,从未消失。 Alicia keys这样评价科比:他是洛杉矶,是美国,是全世界的英雄。每个人对于科比,都有着种种回忆和标签:他是无数人的篮球启蒙,他是...
下载这首歌曲外部播放此歌曲> CRAT - 英雄联盟-Legend Never Die (CRAT remix) 专辑:Legend Never Die 歌手:CRAT
·英雄联盟——Legends Never Die RiotGames作词 拳头游戏音乐团队作曲 ·【lol】Legends Never Die RiotGames作词 拳头游戏音乐团队作曲 ·Legends never die高还原 RiotGames作词 拳头游戏音乐团队作曲 ·不可阻挡(英雄联盟2021全球总决赛主题曲) 拳头游戏音乐团队作词 拳头游戏音乐团队作曲..拳头...