The meaning of NUNC PRO TUNC is now for then —used in reference to a judicial or procedural act that corrects an omission in the record, has effect as of an earlier date, or takes place after a deadline has expired. How to use nunc pro tunc in a sentenc
nota bene note well A term used to direct the reader to cautionary or qualifying statements for the main text. non obstante verdicto notwithstanding the verdict A circumstance where the judge may override the jury verdict and reverse or modify the decision. nunc pro tunc now for then An action...
Definition of Nurture in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Nurture? Meaning of Nurture as a legal term. What does Nurture mean in law?
nunc pro tunc (事后补正)now for then. Refers to actions that may be taken with retroactive effect. opinio juris sive necessitatis(法律必要确信)(or simply, opinio juris) the perception that a given behavior is required by law, that it is legally obliged, a duty. (as opposed to behaviors ...
Case Comment: Immigration Law - Nunc Pro Tunc Relief Unavailable Where Erroneous Legal Interpretation Rendered Alien Ineligible for Deportation Waiver - Pereira v. Gonzales, 417 F.3d 38 (1st Cir. 2005)Cancellation of...
nunc pro tunc After a deadline and given retroactive effect Application of West for Admission to the Bar nunc pro tunc pendente lite Pending the suit; during the litigation Parsley, Administrator Pendente Lite v. Harlan petitioner Party filing a petition Walton, Petitioner v. Walton, etc., et...
perhaps the leading expert on this issue in the state (as explained by the State Bar's General Counsel at 23:55in this podcast) so it was a natural expansion of his practice. The first case (In re Matteson) was a success, achieving a nunc pro tunc treatment of suspension for the ...
the Supreme Court issued a disciplinary order requiring CRC 9.20 in a case where the suspension was wholly stayed, i.e. no actual suspension imposed unless the lawyer later violates probation conditions. This makes no sense. The Supreme Court later amended its ordernunc pro tuncto eliminate the...
Also here it is relevant what happens when the application is rejected: was the placing on the market and putting into service until that time retroactively unlawful (ex tunc application) or will it only be unlawful for the future (ex nunc application)? The proposal is silent on this point ...