Les dérivés sulfamidés du tétraméthyle-méthane: I Le tétrasulfamidométhyle-, I'oxyméthyle-trisulfamidométhyle-, le dioxyméthyle-disulfamidométhyle- et le trioxyméthyle-sulfamidométhyle-méthane J. Hoste, F. Govaert Article first published online: 1 SEP 2010 DOI: 10.1002/bscb....
doi:10.1002/recl.19370560213Backer, H. JGroningue, Labor. de chimie organ. de l'Universitévan der Baan, SGroningue, Labor. de chimie organ. de l'UniversitéWILEY‐VCH VerlagRecueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas
doi:10.1016/j.ando.2008.12.012F. Castinetti a I. MorangeN. DuboisF. AlbarelB. Conte-DevolxH. DufourT. BrueELSEVIERAnnales Dendocrinologie
The role of P450s in the elevated resistance of the Imida-R strain was confirmed by comparative P450-dependent in vitro metabolism assays conducted on microsomal fractions of the susceptible and Imida-R strains. At the gene level, substrate binding modeling allowed restricting the panel of P450 ...
Questioning the relatioship between social order and irrigation, this thesis explores the trajectory of an intermediary hydraulic apparatus that combines state and collective action: l'Association Syndicale du Canal de Manosque (france). This study investigates the controversies since the 1990s abiut the...
They most commonly present a clinical tableau similar to commonplace diverticular disease. Awareness of this unusual condition and a good CT study are the keys to diagnosis. Giant diverticula may be acquired or congenital. The acquired type is simply a more spectacular version of commonplace ...
D. ChalayeS. Lauverjatcanadian journal of zoologyChalaye D. and Lauverjat J. (1985) Stimulation de la synthese de vitelloge nine chez le male de Rhodnius prolixus par un mimetique de !'hormone juvenile. Can. J. Zool. 63: 790-798....
This calendar will be compared with similar ones which have to be established forB. decumbensStapf. andB. brizantha(Hochst) Stapf., natural tetraploid apomicts. Differences were noticed between the original diploid and the induced tetraploid form.J. Gobbe...
Les capacités d'orientation des dipoles CN sont affaiblies comparées à celle du copolymère du cyanure de vinylidène avec l'acétate de vinyle, et ceci pourrait expliquer les faibles propriétés piézo ou pyro électriques.doi:10.1002/1521-3935(20001101)201:17<2365::AID-MACP2365>3...