This article considers the part played by the metaphorical process in proverbial language. The nature and function of the proverb is first examined, as well as the new, revitalized phenomenon of the anti-proverb and the new-proverb. Next, the advisory and decisive nature of the popular proverb...
Ruwet, A., Janne, D. and Renson, M. (1970), Formation de Chromones (O,S,Se) et D'Autres Dérivés par Action du Dicétène sur le Phénol, le Thiophénol et le Sélénophenol. Contribution â L'étude des Réactions de Pechmann et Simonis. Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 79: 81–88...
The syncarpous, pentamerous, pentalocular gynoecium is composed of a protecting wall consisting of five congenitally fused sterile carpels and an axial fertile part (placental column), whose vascularization is cauline. These different parts are initiated from distinct organogenic portions of the ...
Stereological equations are used to define three-dimensional characteristics from elementary count operations made in a plane.These techniques were used to characterize the air bubble system of six different concretes. All measurements were made on polished sections with a linear traverse apparatus as ...
Urinary incontinenceInVance™Complete prostatectomyThe surgical treatment of effort-induced urinary incontinence in males by perineal urethra compression is a concept that has been described in the 1960s; its basic principle, the correction of incontinence episodes in the sitting position, has been ...
For that, a parametric study of the phase of synthesis and agglomeration was carried out, with for objective the determining the active mechanisms and the influence of the key parameters. Thus, the study of the nanopowder synthesis by laser pyrolysis made it possible to produce, with high ...
A model of concerted proton transfer is presented which extends and puts in a mathematical form those previously proposed by Jencks, Kreevoy and Guthrie . With this model we can demonstrate that: ( i ) the hydrolysis of a given compound can be either a specific-acid-or a general-acid-...
SUMMARY Bowel function in 80 patients with myéloméningocèle is reviewed. There was no correlation between bowel control and extent of limb paralysis. Institutionalised children did better than those at home, and 50 per cent of those incontinent of urine had good control over faeces. Measurement...
These spectra can be interpreted using a model that considers the interactions between the nitrogen lone pair and the carbonyl group. The existence of an equilibrium between the conformers caused by the different orientations of the nitrogen lone pair with respect to the carbonyl group can be ...
Correlation of Growth between Mycelium and Rhizomorphs in Sphaerostilbe repens In Sphaerostilbe repens Berkeley and Broome, cultured on a solid medium in Petri dishes, growth of mycelium and chizomorphs depends on the thickness of the culture medium underlying the thallus. On shallow layers of ...