doi:10.1111/j.1754-0208.2010.00300.xMason, HaydnBlackwell Publishing LtdJournal Forghteenth‐century Studies
Ethier LS, La Frenière PJ: Le stress des mères monoparentales en relation avec laggressivité de l'enfant d'âge préscolaire. Journal International de Psychologie 1993, 28: 273–289.Ethier, L. S., & Freniere, P. J. (1993). Le stress des meres monoparentales en relation avec l...
Purpose We present hereby some results indicating that there is a significant decrease in the release of NO by the retina immediately after branch-venous occlusion (BVO).Methods Using an NO microprobe we measured (NO) in the preretinal vitreous of miniature pigs before and two hours aRer bvo....
MATERIAL AND METHODS: We tried to build a tetracorictable to obtain values of serology sensitivity and specificity, choosing parasitologic methods asgold standard. Finally, those references that compared ELISA with parasitologic methods wereselected and information was obtained to calculate positive and ...