Iablokoff-Khnzorian SM. (1980) Le segment genital male des coléoptères et son importance phylogenetique (Coleoptera). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 27 ( 4 ): 251–295.Iablokoff-Khnzorian SM (1980) Le segment genital male des coleopteres et son importance phylogenetique (Coleoptera). ...
Les dérivés sulfamidés du tétraméthyle-méthane: I Le tétrasulfamidométhyle-, I'oxyméthyle-trisulfamidométhyle-, le dioxyméthyle-disulfamidométhyle- et le trioxyméthyle-sulfamidométhyle-méthane J. Hoste, F. Govaert Article first published online: 1 SEP 2010 DOI: 10.1002/bscb....
Le secrétaire national de la Ligue de lEnseignement, Eric Favey, ny a pas été par quatre chemins en animant le debat «Une autre école est-elle nécessaire» samedi matin à Grenoble. Durant une heure, Bernard Gerde, enseignant et cofondateur du Clept (Collège, lycée, élitaire ...
网站成立于2004年2月26日。mavoyanteperso.over-blog.com的注册商为Gandi SAS,DNS为obns1.webedia-group.org,obns2.webedia-group.net,域名更新时间是2024年01月26日。解析出来的IP有:[法国],[法国]。 页面信息 标题(Title) 一般不超过80个字符 ...
The developmental pattern ofImpatiens BalsaminaL. gynoecium, established by morphological, anatomical, ontogenical, and teratological studies, leads us to an original conception of its organization. The syncarpous, pentamerous, pentalocular gynoecium is composed of a protecting wall consisting of five...
Moreover, the QN1/QN1/KIAA1009 protein is involved in NGF signalisation pathway during PC12 cells differenciation process. On the whole, these results show that QN1/KIAA1009 prorein is a new key actor of mitosis.Leon, AgnèsBibliogr
Moreover, I could show that polycomb proteins contronl the replication timing of the INK4a/ARF locus during senescence xhich would constitute a new mechanism of INK4a/ARF regulation by polycomb proteins.Agherbi, HananeBibliogr
It establishes the civil law of Quebec as the common law in all matters of private law and redefines the study of the law applicable to legal personality exclusively within the system of the civil law.Chris ParkerMatthew R SydesHoward Kynaston...
The variation of apparent heat capacity at infinite dilution of iPrOH as a function of NaDS concentration shows the existence of a transition in the micellar structure around 0.3 m.Vladimir MajerAlain-Henri RouxGeneviève Roux-DesgrangesAndréViallardcanadian journal of chemistry...
The objective of this doctoral thesis is to put forth the role of psychology in the fluctuations of production, redistribution and inequalities. Our work is centered on two axes : i) the importance of psychology with regards to inequalities in determining individual beliefs about the role of ...