Witzgall P, Frérot B, Malosse C (1991) Identification du composé majoritaire de la sécrétion phéromonale de Notocelia uddmanniana L. (Lep., Tortricidae). J appl Entomol 112:71–75WITZGALL, P. P., FREROT, B., and MALOSSE, C. 1991. Identification du compose majoritaire de la ...
New anthr-(1,2)-imidazoles (Ia and Ib, p. 439) and anthra-1,2-triazoles (IIa, IIb and IIc, p. 439) have been synthesized as potential carcinogens.1) The anthrimidazoles Ia and Ib were prepared.a) by treatment of 1,2-diaminoanthracene with HCOOH and CH3COOH respectively, in the ...
morphosédimentologieplate-forme intertidaleévolution littoraleÎle d'Anticostimorphosedimentologyintertidal rock-platformcoastline evolutionIntertidal rock-platform is the dominant coastal landform of southwest Anticosti Island and is also the main control of coastal dynamics. Transverse bars are the most ...
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