The French Revolution, besides the political changes so commonly associated with it, was intertwined with a deep linguistic conceptual behavioral and emotional turn whose effect still reverberates to our times. The research focuses on British radicals and reformers of the 1790's and the 1800's, ...
Les dérivés sulfamidés du tétraméthyle-méthane: I Le tétrasulfamidométhyle-, I'oxyméthyle-trisulfamidométhyle-, le dioxyméthyle-disulfamidométhyle- et le trioxyméthyle-sulfamidométhyle-méthane J. Hoste, F. Govaert Article first published online: 1 SEP 2010 DOI: 10.1002/bscb....
Image analysers have been built to measure these parameters rapidly. Stereological equations are used to define three-dimensional characteristics from elementary count operations made in a plane.These techniques were used to characterize the air bubble system of six different concretes. All measurements ...
Insights from this work will also be useful for real-time monitoring, application steering and infrastructure planning for data-intensive workloads on networked cloud platforms.doi:10.1145/2534695.2534698Luca MartinelliBibliogr
A management tool for this multiple-source knowledge was therefore developed and integrated to the many design criterions. The system, currently being developed and implemented in an industry, was tested against approximately 40 worldwide existing structures. The responses, very promising, are presented...
The surgical treatment of effort-induced urinary incontinence in males by perineal urethra compression is a concept that has been described in the 1960s; its basic principle, the correction of incontinence episodes in the sitting position, has been developed in the 1970s by Kaufman. After numerous...
Le découverte de nombreux fragments pédonculaires distaux d'Eurax marhoumensis n. sp. apporte des données nouvelles sur le processus de la formation des stolons et sur le contrôle de la sécrétion stéréomique. L'existence de fixations primaires dans la dististéle démontre la nature ...
Type your institution's name in the box below. If your institution is a Wiley customer, it will appear in the list of suggested institutions and you will be able to log in to access content. Some users may also log in directly via OpenAthens. Please note that there are currently a ...
– Introduction of a methyl group in position 4 (angular position) has a deshielding effect on the proton located on carbon 5 (opposite angular position). – The main results are summarized in table I and figure 1.Martin, R. H.Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Chimie Organique, ...
This article considers the part played by the metaphorical process in proverbial language. The nature and function of the proverb is first examined, as well as the new, revitalized phenomenon of the anti-proverb and the new-proverb. Next, the advisory and decisive nature of the popular proverb...