Prothèses nutritives en milieu hospitalier : principes généraux du contrle de qualitéSterile pharmaceutical preparations must be supplied to clinical wards; their high degree of safety is given by hospital pharmacists who are responsible for quality control of these preparations. Various considerations ...
Piloter le changement en milieu hospitalier : une approche conventionnaliste. (French).(English):This article presents the results of a research conducted on the issue of computerisation of emergency services in Belgium. What are the cooperation conventions which regulate the behaviour of stakeholders ...
Selt AttiaBektache Mourad
Les infections à staphylocoques dans le post-partum en milieu hospitalier (Part 1 of 2)ceramic-matrix nanocompositestougheningstrengtheningCopyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, ...
Fray, A.M., (2009), « Nouvelles pratiques de gouvernance dans le milieu hospitalier : consequences manageriales sur les acteurs », Management et Avenir, n°28, pp 142-159Fray A-M. (2009). « Nouvelles pratiques de gouvernance dans le milieu hospitalier : consequences manageriales ...
doi:10.1016/S0399-077X(02)00014-8B CamaraS DioufI DiagneL FallN KuakuviElsevier BVMédecine Et Maladies InfectieusesCamara B, Douif S, Diagne I, et al. le paludisme grave de l'enfant en milieu hospitalier senegalais. Med Mal Infect 2003 ; 33 : 45 - 8....
Prévention et gestion de la violence en milieu hospitalier : quel rôle pour le cadre ?Aggression and violence also occur in hospital. The nature of the hospital with its climate of tension and stress is favourable to their expression, both by patients as well as caregivers. Even if health...
How to use Low-Molecular Weight Heparins (LMWH) in patients with chronic kidney disease?JeanBaptiste ReyVincent LaunayVacherJournal De Pharmacie Clinique
Prevalence et aspects cliniques des mycoses superficielles chez le diabetique tunisien en milieu hospitalier. Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses, n° 34, p. 201-205.Bouguerra R, Essais O, Sebai N, Ben Salem L, Amari H, Kammoun MR, Chaker E, Zidi B, Ben Slama C (2004). Prevalence et...
tude comparative de la lombalgie chez le personnel travaillant en milieu hospitalierBackground Data are mixed on the role of school bags in the occurrence of low back pain in pupils. Objectives Thus, we carried out this study with the aim to determine if the school bags were a factor ...