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Les dérivés sulfamidés du tétraméthyle-méthane: I Le tétrasulfamidométhyle-, I'oxyméthyle-trisulfamidométhyle-, le dioxyméthyle-disulfamidométhyle- et le trioxyméthyle-sulfamidométhyle-méthane J. Hoste, F. Govaert Article first published online: 1 SEP 2010 DOI: 10.1002/bscb....
Francisco PadillaPierre Gélinascanadian journal of civil engineering
Guy MorinDaniel CluisDenis CouillardH. Gérald JonesJean-Maurice Gauthiercanadian journal of civil engineering
It establishes the civil law of Quebec as the common law in all matters of private law and redefines the study of the law applicable to legal personality exclusively within the system of the civil law.Chris ParkerMatthew R SydesHoward Kynaston...
However, the observed relations value clearly shows that other antecedents of competition intensity on the one hand, and of the launching strategy structure on the other, are to be sought beyond the simple competition situation.Bernd SteinerBibliogr...
Vîlcu, R.Université De Bucarest Chaire de Chimie Physique IIIIrinei, F.Université De Bucarest Chaire de Chimie Physique IIIJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges
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The circular dichroism spectra of bakers' yeast l-lactate dehydrogenase and some of its derivatives (without flavin and/or heme) have been investigated in order to obtain some information about the interactions between the prosthetic chromophores or between these chromoph...