This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )doi:10.1111/j.1540-4781.2007.00593_17.xTRAIN, ROBERTBlackwell Publishing IncModern Language Journal
Les dérivés sulfamidés du tétraméthyle-méthane: I Le tétrasulfamidométhyle-, I'oxyméthyle-trisulfamidométhyle-, le dioxyméthyle-disulfamidométhyle- et le trioxyméthyle-sulfamidométhyle-méthane J. Hoste, F. Govaert Article first published online: 1 SEP 2010 DOI: 10.1002/bscb....
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网站成立于2004年2月26日。mavoyanteperso.over-blog.com的注册商为Gandi SAS,DNS为,,域名更新时间是2024年01月26日。解析出来的IP有:[法国],[法国]。 页面信息 标题(Title) 一般不超过80个字符 ...
Diatoms play a key role in the primary production and also in the export of carbon from the surface to the deep ocean. Their metabolism has the particularity to couple Si and C via the frustule synthesis. We studied the Si-OC interactions in the frustule and it possible impact on organic ...
(1969). Preparation et caracterisation de polymeres-modele a structure en etoile, par copolymerisation sequencee anion- ique. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 47, 3379.Worsfold D J,Zilliox J G,Rempp P.Preparation et caracterisation de polymeres-modele a structure en etoile, par copolymerisation ...
NA;Memoir upon the Real Effects which may be produced by Tobacco, upon the health of the workmen engaged in its various preparations.By Messrs. Parent Duchatelet and D'Arcet.NA;The American Journal of the Medical Sciences