doi:10.1002/recl.19010201203First page of articleCoopsG. HWILEY‐VCH VerlagRecueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas et de la Belgique
– Introduction of a methyl group in position 4 (angular position) has a deshielding effect on the proton located on carbon 5 (opposite angular position). – The main results are summarized in table I and figure 1.Martin, R. H.Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Chimie Organique, ...
The very high value of the degradation constant of this polycondensate is probably a result of the presence, in this chain, of the very flexible tetramethylene segment.doi:10.1002/macp.1978.021790909Devaux JaquesGodard PierreMercier Jean‐PierreHüthig & Wepf VerlagDie Makromolekulare Chemie...
doi:10.1002/recl.19020210402First page of articleDalle, P.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas
In particular, analysis shows that displacements are due to temperature decrease during August and September. This causes frost action (frost creep, pipkrakes). Also, the increase in wet climatic conditions during July and August increases the action of cryogenic processes. Copyright 2000 John ...
ethanol and alcohol dehydrogenase (or glucose-6-phosphate and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) was coupled with non enzymatic reoxidation of pyridine nucleotides with phenazine methosulfate.Phenazine methosulfate reduced the non fluorescent compound, resazurine to the highly fluorescent compound, resorufine...
Applications de la Spectrographie de R茅sonance Magn茅tique Nucl茅aire (R.M.N.) Dans le Domaine des D茅riv茅s Polycycliques A Caract猫re Aromatique IV. D茅riv茅s mono et bisubstitu茅s du dibenzo [g, p] chrys猫ne, benzo [a] ph茅nanthro [9,10-c] napthac猫ne-14,19-quinone ...