Nicod, Jean 1924 La geometrie dans le monde sensible, Paris: , Eng. trans. in Jean Nicod, Geometry and Induction, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970.Nicod, Jean, 1923. La geometrie dans le monde sensible. Paris : Alcan ; reedition aux Presses Universitaires de France, 1962.Nicod ...
These data will most likely open new perspectives to investigate the (patho)physiological function of Dpl, along with PrPc and its abnormal isoform, PrPres, responsible for TSEs.doi:10.1051/rnd:19730109Sánchez, DeliaArgentina. GobiernoUruguay. Gobiernobibliogr...
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Napus genotype and the structure of F& hybrids. The effet of the hybrid structure was considerable : at the meiosis of AAC triploid hybnrids, resulting from crosses between B. Napus and B. Rapa, recombination rates were from 1. 8 to 3. 4 fold higher than in AACC tetrploid hybrids, ...
Some users may also log in directly via OpenAthens. Please note that there are currently a number of duplicate entries in the list of institutions. We are actively working on fixing this issue and apologize for any inconvenience caused. Institution Name ...
M. (1990), Pergélisol - Canada. Actes de la Cinquième conférence canadienne sur le pergélisol. Permafrost-Canada. Proceedings of the fifth canadian permafrost conference. Centre d'études Nordiques, Université Laval, Québec, Collection Nordicana No 54, 424pp. ISBN: 2-920197-54-1. ...
The intermediate 4-methyl-8-formylpyrene (m.p.: 93-94°) was isolated. U. V. Spectra of the new polymethylpyrenes are given.John StewartBulletin Des Sociétés Chimiques Belges
This placental column represents the ultimate part of the floral axis. Ovarian walls are initiated on the periphery of the apical axial zone like common radiate intercarpellary protuberances.Liliane SimonCanadian Journal of Botany
Knowledge of these will have an impact on patient response and follow-up.Luis BarragánDijon