This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )doi:10.1111/j.1540-4781.2007.00593_17.xTRAIN, ROBERTBlackwell Publishing IncModern Language Journal
Le Cinéma Français最新版截图# Le Cinéma Français最新版 L’Application gratuite et trilingue (français, anglais, espagnol) du cinéma français pour Androïd. UniFrance films, en partenariat avec Le film français, vous offre toute l’actualité du cinéma ...
This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )Fernand VialThought
Fayet, Marie-LiseBibliographie p
Establishment of political parties around class cleavages; Emphasis of cleavage voting on the individual characteristics of voters and the importance of issues and candidates; Division of self-employed and wage-earners as well as public and private sector workers.Mayer, NonnaLien Social et Pol...
The reverse is true: observations by de Tocqueville indicate that French centralization and feudalism are historically opposing forces.Canadian Public AdministrationMercierJean
Next, we have considered the phenomen on of borrowing which has permitted to us to notice that it is a means to fill lexical gaps.Asselah-Rahal, SafiaBibliogr