The internal standard was added to plasma, which was extracted twice in dichloromethane; the organic phase was removed under nitrogen, the residue resolved in ethanol and applied on a silica gel G-60 plate. Dihydroergotamine and the internal standard can be measured directly by fluorescence, with ...
韩国设计师Hyun Seok Kang和Do Kyung Lee发现,相比长时间的旅行,周末时约上几个朋友去公园来一场野餐或是扎营过夜成了不少年轻人更青睐的休闲方式.这款名叫Layer的投影仪概念设计就是他们专门为打算在野餐后来一场露天电影的人量身定制的,除了分层式结构和简洁的外观之外,Layer的实际投影效果也很赞,在光照充足的...
X-ray standing wave technique has been used to measure the kinetics of CoSi intermetallic phase growth in a-Si/Co/a-Si sandwich structure. The a-Si/Co/a-Si arrangement were placed into a waveguide structure formed by two Ta films. X-ray fluorescence and extended X-ray absorption fine ...