Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, commonly referred to as SVU, was the first spinoff of NBC’s Law & Order. It premiered on Sept. 20, 1999, and originally starred Chris Meloni and Mariska Hargitay as Det. Elliot Stabler and Det. Olivia Benson, partners in the New York Police Departm...
There are many great TV partnerships, but nothing quite like the relationship between Law & Order’s Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler. The twosome, portrayed by Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni, were partners for over a decade on Law & Order: Special Victim’s Unit until Meloni...
Monsters and Critics Elliot (XII) ‘Flow’s’ Shock Golden Globe Win Is a Long Overdue Triumph for Indie Animation 1/6/2025 by Jamie Lang Variety Film + TV Why Elliot Stabler Actor Christopher Meloni Exited “Law & Order: Svu” Abruptly After 12 Long Seasons ...
The Correct Order To Watch Gerard Butler's Has Fallen Franchise 12/23/2024 by Witney Seibold Slash Film Who is David Corenswet? Five times you’ve seen the new ‘Superman’ in action — and one you blocked from your memory 12/20/2024 ...
Det. Elliot Stabler has a big family. Learn more about Stabler's five children from "Law & Order: SVU" and "Law & Order: OC," here.
Stabler's Law & Order: SVU return springboards his spinoff Organized Crime but it also sets up a possible permanent reunion with his old squad.
Back in 1999, the world was introduced toLaw & Order: SVUand its two primary detectives Elliot Stabler (Chris Meloni) and Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay.) The partners have had palpable chemistry since day one, and it’s only grown stronger as both the actors and the characters got to ...
After Meloni left the show, he stayed in touch with Hargitay. Their off-screen friendship gave fans hope that Meloni would return someday.Law & Order: SVUwas also smart to write Meloni out of the show in a way that gave him the option of returning. Upon his homecoming, Stabler revealed...
A Law and Order: SVU promo clip hints at Elliot Stabler's real feelings for Olivia Benson, and Fin seems to be well aware of them as well.
Watch Law & Order: Special Victims Unit highlight: Stabler Gets Shot in Court | Law & Order: SVU | NBC -