There are many great TV partnerships, but nothing quite like the relationship between Law & Order’s Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler. The twosome, portrayed by Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni, were partners for over a decade on Law & Order: Special Victim’s Unit until Meloni...
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, commonly referred to as SVU, was the first spinoff of NBC’s Law & Order. It premiered on Sept. 20, 1999, and originally starred Chris Meloni and Mariska Hargitay as Det. Elliot Stabler and Det. Olivia Benson, partners in the New York Police Departm...
Since first appearing as Olivia Benson onLaw and Order: SVUin 1999, Mariska Hargitay has brought the character to many other Dick Wolf shows. Benson has been on an incredible journey inSVU, eventually rising to the rank of captain after years of dangerous and thrilling cases. Hargitay quickl...
Zone Rouge: Directed by Bethany Rooney. With Mariska Hargitay, Ice-T, Peter Scanavino, Octavio Pisano. A cryptic message sends SVU on a new track to find Maddie. Benson tries to help a federal agent when the case hits too close to home. Capt. Curry tries
Reason Prince William And Princess Kate Will Spoil Their Children This Year 1/9/2025 by Nmesoma Okechukwu Soap Opera Spy Travis Kelce Lets Slip Possible Taylor Swift Wedding Plans 1/9/2025 by Simon Delott The Hollywood Gossip ‘Anora’ up, Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie down: What SAG...
NBC will honor the 25th anniversary of “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” with Olivia Benson Plaza at Rockefeller Plaza in honor of Mariska Hargitay's character.
Is thisfinallythe moment betweenBenson and Stablerthat"Law & Order: SVU"fans have been waiting decades to see? The latest teaser in thelong-simmering "will they/won't they" romantic tensionbetween Mariska Hargitay'sCapt. Olivia Bensonand Christopher Meloni's Detective Elliot Stabler has ...
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Discover & share this Olivia Benson No GIF by Law & Order with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.
Carousel: Directed by Michael Smith. With Mariska Hargitay, Ice-T, Peter Scanavino, Octavio Pisano. The SVU must track down a mysterious suspect targeting tourists staying in hostels and race to identify one woman's attacker before she opts to go home.