LaTeX will automatically indent the first line of each paragraph that doesn't immediately follow a section heading. If you'd like to get rid of an indent, you can use the \noindent command: \section{Introduction} This is the first paragraph. \noindent This is the second paragraph. If ...
如果我们想要一个缩进的内嵌(runin)标题,就在标头前面(label参数的最前面)加一个\indent。还有一种方法就是使用\titlespacing命令指定缩进。\titlespacing命令是我们接下来要讲的命令。 \titlespacing有一个星号形式的命令\titlespacing*,它和不带星号的命令不同的地方是,它会抑制标题后第一段的首行缩进,除非第一段...
方法之一是如下文(2.2.7)所示使用titlesec包的选项。但不论你是否调用了titlesec包,你都可以通过调用indentfirst包(作者David Carlisle)来实现: \documentclass{article}\usepackage[a5paper]{geometry}\usepackage{kantlipsum}\usepackage{indentfirst}% 调用即生效,不需要任何配置\begin{document}\section{section one}...
this will install the executable and all its dependencies (including perl) in the activate environment. You don't even have to worry aboutdefaultSettings.yamlas it is included too. Full details atusing conda. Important: the executable name ...
\setlength{\parindent}{2em} \addtolength{\parskip}{3pt} 行间距 行间距:段落中相邻两行基线之间的距离。 缺省使用单倍行距。 我们可以用\linespread命令来控制行距: \linespread{1.3}%一倍半行距 \linespread{1.6}%两倍行距 注意,该命令不仅改正文行距,同时也会把目录、脚注、图表标题等行距统统改了。
extensions are to be interpreted (but I don't know any). What I do know, is that ᾳ -> ᾼ is the LaTeX default behaviour "since ages": * the LGR fonts use the "... WITH [...] PROSGEGRAMMENI" form for \MakeUppercase of letters " WITH YPOGEGRAMMENI" by design (i.e. ...
typeThesectioningtype.Thisshouldbeoneof:section,subsection,subsubsection,paragraphor subparagraph.(Notenobackslash.) levelThisisthesectioninglevelasindicatedinTable4.2. indentThisshouldbealength,specifyingtheindentationfromtheleftmargin. beforeskipTheabsolutevalueofthebeforeskipspecifieshowmuchverticaldistancetoleaveb...
LaTeX will automatically indent the first line of each paragraph that doesn't immediately follow a section heading. If you'd like to get rid of an indent, you can use the\noindentcommand: \section{Introduction}This is the first paragraph.\noindentThis is the second paragraph. ...