R0. The orthogonal matrices Q have disappeared since QtQ = Q−1Q = I, the de-dimensional identity matrix. The exponents are then given by: λi=limn→∞1nlog(|(Rn−1…R0)ii|), where ii denotes the ith diagonal element of the matrix product. Owing to the triangular structure of ...
Indeed, if this was not the case for some corner p of R, we can pick the nearest point q∈Cε to p, and let u∈U be the direction vector of p−q. We then havedwidth(u,C)−dwidth(u,Cε)>|p−q|>dε⩾ε⋅dwidth(u,C), where we have used the assumption that d...
However, annual daily ice-free area (%) was not related to annual glacier runoff volume (see below) (Pearson's correlation r = 0.023, p = 0.94), suggesting that thermal inertia induced by inputs of relatively warm glacial meltwaters from the watershed in JA (e.g., mean (±...
Jonathan R. Skilled Editor and Writing Coach In addition to helping a number of students construct their college application essays, I have provided expert copyediting for final drafts of formal papers. At whatever stage of the writing process you are in, I can jump in and help... See Jonat...
Proc R Soc The discovery of an exceptionally well-preserved skull permits the description of the new South American fossil species of the rodent, Josephoartigasia mon... A Rinderknecht,RE Blanco - 《Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences》 被引量: 53发表: 2008年 The ...
T3 is also the only tephra in Byers Peninsula lakes that contains juvenile clasts coarser than 2 mm in diameter, whose deposition here requires an eruption column tall enough to transport the coarse particles over 40 km against the prevailing wind direction. Their presence is thus indicative...
We search recursively on ranges of type (upper-left border L, upper-left border R, bottom-right border L, bottom-right border R). We can maintain a stack/queue of ranges/quadruples to consider, the first range/quadruple is (0, length(upper-left border)-1, 0, length(bottom-right ...
Dennis R. Moss, Michael Basic Explore book Maximum Principal Stress Theory This theory is the oldest, most widely used and simplest to apply. Both ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, and Section I use the maximum principal stress theory as a basis for design. This theory simply asserts tha...
Hani R. El Bizri thanks the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for financial support (grant numbers 201475/2017-0 and 312729/2015-4). John Norrey, Emma Coulthard, and David Megson were supported by a grant from World Animal Protection. CRediT authorship...
Ihaka R, Gentleman R . R: a language for data analysis and graphics.J Comput Graph Stat1996;5: 299–314. . Common SNPs explain a large proportion of the heritability for human height.2010;: 565–569. Am J Hum Genet2007;81: 559–575. ...