Do you have a landline at home? These are phones that people plug (插入) into their living room walls. Mobile phones didn't use to be so common at that time, so most families had a landlin e. But landlines only worked at hom e. What did people do when they were outside and ne...
Do you have a landline at home?Mobile phones didn't use to be so common in the past,so most families had a landline. But landlines only worked at home. What did people do when they were outside and nceded to call someone?They looked for a pay phone. Then,most people had their...
My AT&T Sign in Register Go to my account Make a payment Pay without signing in See my bill Update my profile View my orders and returns Go to my favorites Landline home phone support Learn about home phone plans, features, and more. Find out how to contact us. ...
Many people have abandoned traditional landline telephones in favor of using only their mobile phones. Do you have a landline at home? VOTE and tell us about it in the comments! Yes! I have one. Vote No, I don't. Vote Other - tell us about it! Vote EmailSaveComment357Follow Fe...
Explore AT&T landline and long distance plans with the latest features—at low prices. Nationwide calling Stay connected with local and nationwide long distance service across the U.S. Offered in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentu...
Do you have a landline at home? Mobile phones didn't use to be so common in the past, so most families had a landline But landlines only worked at home. What did people do when they were outside and needed to call someone? They looked for a pay pbone! Then. most people had ...
Holborn AT, Reavley NJ, Jorm AF (2012). Differences between landline and mobile-only respondents in a dual-frame mental health literacy survey. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 36, 192-193.Holborn AT, Reavley NJ, Jorm AF. Differences between landline and mobile only ...
根据划线 词所在句“Still, 55 percent of Australians have a landline phone at home... Of those Australians who still have a landline, a third concede that it's not really necessary..”分析可知, 虽然55%的人的家中都还有座机, 但他们中三分之一的人 认为座机其实并不十分必要。由此我们可以推测...
People have asked 3 questions about working at Landline Company. See the answers, explore popular topics, and discover unique insights from Landline Company employees. Popular questionsall Popular questions What is Landline Company holiday leave policy? How much holiday leave do you get per year?
16. If the decline of thelandlinecontinues at its current rate, the last cord will be cut sometime in 2025. 如果说按照这个势头衰减下去,到2025年最后一根电话线就会被掐断。 youdao 17. Nearly 20 percent of American homes had droppedlandlineservice by 2009, relying entirely on cell phones. ...