key landform assemblages and their zonation around the Keewatin Ice Divide with a particular focus on hummocky terrain, ribbed moraines, drumlins, mega-scale glacial lineations, meltwater features, end moraines, and raised beaches and shorelines related to proglacial lakes and marine transgression....
•Topographyisthestudyoftheearth’ssurfacefeatures,includingvegetation,soils,andthosefeatures TheCanadianShield •TheCanadianShieldhastwomajorlandforms,arockysurfaceofmainlyigneousrockandmanyconiferousforests.•Thereasonthatthisregionhasrockysurfacesisbecausemillionsofyearsagothereweremountainsinthesub-region,through...
as in Japan, in the Cascade chain of the northwesternUnited Statesand southwestern Canada, or along much of the Andes, volcanoes have erupted on the margin of acontinent. Nearly all features typical of an island arc, including the narrow belt of volcanoes, deep-sea trench, and intense earthqu...