Lan Kwai Fong (LKF)... Read more Lifestyle WHATS ON The Spirit of Halloween in Hong Kong 2024年12月4日 Halloween in Hong Kong has become a celebration that embodies the spirit of the city, bringing together people from all walks of life. This festive occasion is not just a... ...
For culture junkies and the perpetually curious. LKF Culture Club grew out of our passion for bringing essential happenings to life in Hong Kong. Join us for insider knowledge and exclusive previews, offers and experiences you won’t want to miss. ...
在云云的香港故事當中,我們是餐飲界經典傳奇的一章。 在1983年,盛智文博士開設著名的 California餐廳 ,為香港的新時代夜生活揭開序幕。由當時開始,蘭桂坊集團正正為整個區域帶來嶄新景象。 透過高端餐飲概念、周邊不可或缺的酒吧、以及地標性的悠閒生活品牌,我們打造獨有的模式,讓顧客可以建立社交圈子、創造回憶和記錄...
For culture junkies and the perpetually curious. LKF Culture Club grew out of our passion for bringing essential happenings to life in Hong Kong. Join us for insider knowledge and exclusive previews, offers and experiences you won’t want to miss. ...
企業家Allan Zeman與他喜愛的香港 Melinda Zeman 於香港成長的童年及成為正統派猶太人… Jonathan Zeman﹕「香港餐廳及酒吧已轉好。」 社會企業責任 將人群匯聚是我們的核心使命。蘭桂坊集團成立了非牟剩組織-蘭桂坊協會,以創建一個支持本地企業的社區。我們的企業社會責任 (CSR) 計劃包括與本地慈善機構和非政府組織...
1983 年,創始人盛智文博士於香港一個毫不起眼的花攤和傳統濕貨市場附近,開設了California。 他點石成金,將整個區域變成了傳奇的夜生活景點。它正好為在中環一帶努力工作和娛樂的人群, 提供當時城市所缺乏的悠閒娛樂聖地。解下領帶,放下束縛,你便能進入這個嶄新夜場盡興。
Lan Kwai Fong is one of Hong Kong’s most popular nightlife hot spots and home to over 90 restaurants and bars. The atmosphere ranges from stylish wine pairings to raucous jelly shots and the food on offer is as diverse as the clientele. ...
地址: 延边 香港中环兰桂坊云咸街33号(兰桂坊酒吧街内) 电话无, 我要删除 所属分类:酒店住宿交通指引 香港兰桂坊酒店(Hotel LKF by Rhombus (Lan Kwai Fong))附近的公交站: 兰桂坊酒店、云咸街、环贸中心、中央广场、下亚厘毕道、上亚厘毕道、明爱中心、旧中区警署、中区警署、荷李活道(兰桂坊)、兰桂坊、...
Lan Kwai Fong. Hong Kong’s legendary party hub. A place to see and be seen. Also known as LKF, this iconic district boasts a dazzling array of swanky rooftop bars, cosy live music joints and pumping nightclubs. Put on your party shoes and get ready for a night to remember at these...