——「Wired」(*)的互动方式,在过去看像匿名论坛,现在看则更像SNS上的互动。 *「Wired」:一个世界性的电脑互联网络,相等于现实世界的Internet,但它的新一代网络协议「Protocol 7」可以让全人类都无需设备强制联网,“everyone is connected”,此时可以看成全人类信息组成的网络的子集。 安倍:其实网络上的交流方式...
"No matter where you go, everyone's connected." There are so many memorable quotes from the anime Serial Experiments Lain, but which ones stood out to you the most? Since it's just a great anime, let's rank the best quotes from Serial Experiments Lain, with the help of yo...
The scene changes to overhead power wires. A low frequency hum and muffled voices can be heard. Floating text appears reading "If I remain in a place like this I won't be able to stay connected." The door to a house opens and a young schoolgirl emerges. It is Lain. She is wearing...
Everyone is connected to each other. And that's how human societies are organized. Even someone like you can get friends quickly. There is no need to be afraid. I wonder why your mom doesn't understand it." Hesitantly Lain says, "I'm not afraid of it." Her Dad asks "But why the...
四方田千纱自杀后给Lain发来电子邮件,此后Lain开始上网."父亲"很爽快的给她买了最新式的NAVI,从她将自己登录为新NAVI的用户那一刻开始,她就具备了另一面:精明且极具效率,并且还挺辣的Lain.之后在Cyberia遇到的枪击事件,对着持枪的少年说"everyone is connected"的,就是她的另一面第一次亮相.但是,Lain的这一...
四方田千纱自杀后给Lain发来电子邮件,此后Lain开始上网."父亲"很爽快的给她买了最新式的NAVI,从她将自己登录为新NAVI的用户那一刻开始,她就具备了另一面:精明且极具效率,并且还挺辣的Lain.之后在Cyberia遇到的枪击事件,对着持枪的少年说"everyone is connected"的,就是她的另一面第一次亮相. ...
四方田千纱自杀后给Lain发来电子邮件,此后Lain开始上网."父亲"很爽快的给她买了最新式的NAVI,从她将自己登录为新NAVI的用户那一刻开始,她就具备了另一面:精明且极具效率,并且还挺辣的Lain.之后在Cyberia遇到的枪击事件,对着持枪的少年说"everyone is connected"的,就是她的另一面第一次亮相. ...
Serial Experiments Lain: Created by Yasuyuki Ueda. With Kaori Shimizu, Bridget Hoffman, Dan Lorge, Randy McPherson. Strange things start happening when a withdrawn girl named Lain becomes obsessed with an interconnected virtual realm known as "The Wired"
四方田千纱自囘杀后给Lain发来电子邮件,此后Lain开始上网."父亲"很爽囘快的给她买了最新式的NA囘VI,从她将自己登录为新NA囘VI的用户那一刻开始,她就具备了另一面:精明且极具效率,并且还挺辣的Lain.之后在Cyberia遇到的枪击事件,对着持枪的少年说"everyone is connected"的,就是她的另一面第一次亮相. ...
everyone is connected to me.玲音的本质(舒赫共振集体潜意识载体),是其悲剧的根源(疯狂玲音人格窥视隐私),也是其救赎的起点(爱丽丝)。这句话浅显易懂却不容易翻译出味道……所有人都与我相连。万灵以我为枢。 close the world, open the nExt.同样的简单易懂,但请注意,后半句在原文是“反着写”的,且字母E...