别名柏地丁、心基卷柏、地柏枝、毛利利、金花草、鸡脚草、鸡腱草、四叶草 药材基源为卷柏科植物细叶卷柏的全草。 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Selaginella labordei Hieron.[ S.hupehensis Pamp. 采收和储藏:全年均可采收,晒干或鲜用。 原形态植株高10-40cm。主茎禾秆色,营养叶二型,在枝两侧及中间各2行;侧叶狭卵形,...
We have,in this paper,studied the problem of China's surplus labor in order to find out whether the second stage mentioned by the Lewis model has arrived in China.The judgment of whether the turning point stated by Lewis has arrived has a far reaching impact on the economic grow and the...
护我们岁月静好 每逢假期,高速公路可能是全中国最忙的地方。当你堵在路上怨气冲天的时候,你是否能感受到交警蜀黍们神经的高度绷紧? 谢谢你 四季不变地坚守 保道路畅通 护安全出行 上刀山下火海,这句话用在消防员身上一点都不夸张...
The New Women's Labor History 装帧 Pap 定价 $22.60 作者 Boris Eileen (EDT) 出版社 Duke Univ Pr 出版日期 2006-10 ISBN 9780822366584 目录 1概述 编辑本段 概述 summary "The New Women 's Labor History", a special issue of "Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas", offe...