An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.TroisierJean et BoquienThe Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
(IAH)doi:10.1002/hlca.19680510220Baudet, PLaboratoire de chimie organique de l′ Université de GenèveCalin, MLaboratoire de chimie organique de l′ Université de GenèveWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta
Acta Medica ScandinavicaH.-C. Gram
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Partout dans le monde, on observe une tendance en faveur de l’éducation médicale axée sur les compétences (EMAC) à tous les niveaux du système d’éducation médicale. Une intervention complexe comme l’élaboration d’un programme d’EMAC représente un important changement de paradigme ...
Klin.Mbl. Augenheilk., 196, 285-289 (1990).Zografos, L. , Uffer, S. , Gaillou, C. and Bercher, L. , Les mélanomes de la conjonctive et leur traitement . Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk. , 196 , 285 – 289 ( 1990 ).Zografos L, Uffer S, Gailloud C, Bercher L. Les me...
Consequently, the vasodilator effect of lactic acid does not depend on periarteriolar pH modification and probably interferes with retinal metabolism since only the natural levorotatory metabolite is recognized.Brazitikos, P. DPournaras, C. JTsacopoulos, MMunoz, J. LKlin Monatsbl Augenheilkd...
The broad resonance signal observed at low temperature (7 K) withg = 3.5 appears as characteristic of the trivalent state in UZrF7(powder), U(C5H5)3•tétrahydrofuran, and U(C5H5)3•CH3−(frozen solutions).E. J. SouliéG. FolcherH. Marquet-Elliscanadian journal of chemistry...
A biometrical study of the calyx of 178 flowers ofFittonia vershaffeltiiat all developmental stages has allowed conclusions to be drawn about their morphogenesis. Their various parts grow according to simple allometric relations, and this growth is linked with the cauline plastochron. The equations ...