Resumen The People of Puerto Rico (1956) had an unquestionable academic and intellectual impact on the island. A review of the literature shows that anthropologists and their texts have established a special dialogic with The People, in which we es tablish a distance, for political reasons, but...
图书Ilustraciones de la aplicación de las tecnologías de información en la empresa española 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
A. Prades Recensions / Book Reviews : F. SANCHEZ LOPEZ. Sociología de la acción. Introducción a la obra de Talcott Parsons (Sociology of action. Introduction to the work of Talcott Parsons). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cien tíficas, Instituto Balmes de Sociología, 1964, ...
Initially, a double-blinded trial was undertaken on each preparation individually against placebo, as the recommended method of application was different for EMLA (2.5 g applied for 60 min under an occlusive dressing) and the amethocaine formulation (0.5 g applied for 30 min). Thereafter, the ...
It is also examined how the dominant discourse on poverty, which blames and demonizes the poor, contributes to legitimize, consolidate and reproduce social distances, thus hiding the political and economic nature of inequality, in a context were the latter is basically tolerated....
图书¡Bailá! ¡Vení! ¡Volá!, el fenómeno tanguero y la literatura 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
spanish philosopher xavier zubiri focused his research around three basic topics: reality, intelligence and god. the zubirian key to approach the problem of god is found in the relegation of man to the power of the real. for this reason, the present article aims at briefly showing the ...
A growing body of evidence suggests that it is also associated with BPH and LUTS.These new concepts should be used to design novel treatments for BPH/LUTS.doi:10.1016/j.eursup.2010.04.003Cione, Alberto Luisa TeresaLeone, GabrielloTonni, Eduardo Pedro...
The results reveal the existence of internal and external factors that fall into the decrease of the student register specializing in Computer Science, which are susceptible of intervention by the action of that communityactor pornoInvestigación Y Postgrado...
Sánchez-Franco MJ, Rondán FJ, Villarejo AF (2007) Un modelo empírico de adaptación y uso de la Web. Utilidad, facilidad de uso y flujo percibidos. Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de Empresa 30:153–179Sanchez-Franco, M. J., Rondan, F. J., & Villarejo, A. F. (2007). ...