Furthermore, these last results allowed us to determine the volume shrinkage after polymerization associated with the presence of one mole of double bonds in the liquid formulationR. RothsteinK. BinovicBibliogr
André, J. MUniversité Catholique De Louvain Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique (Dir.: G. Leroy) Kapeldreef Egenhoven‐Heverlee (BelgiumDelhalle, JUniversité Catholique De Louvain Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique (Dir.: G. Leroy) Kapeldreef Egenhoven‐Heverlee (BelgiumLeroy, G...
On déduit une formulation matricielle générale de la méthode des orbitales cristallines autocohérentes (LCAO-SCF-CO). L'organisation du programme de calcul correspondant (POLYCOD) est décrite dans la dernière partie de ce travail. A general SCF-LCAO theory for computation of the ...
The electronic band structures of various neutral and charged forms of polyaniline are discussed. The MNDO semiempirical technique is used to determine the polyaniline chain geometries. Band-structure calculations, based on those geometries, are then performed with the VEH method. We obtain theoretical ...
Various theoretical treatments of the reaction have been applied. The calculations show that the "frontier charge" and "delocalised bond" models give (he best results.doi:10.1002/jhet.5570140804Georges MaurySouad Fkih-TétouaniJean ArriauHenri SauvaǐtreAntoine BernardiniJournal of Heterocyclic Chemistry...
Based on applied research, we analyze the economic dynamics of this region as well as the link between entrepreneurship and job creation by means of contextual factors which favor the spin-offs of businesses and enable cooperations to practice competition.JACQUES MAHAUXBibliogr...