OBJECTIVES: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is known to induce a short pro- and long-lasting anti-inflammatory immune response. The anti-inflammatory protein soluble ST2 (sST2) may be involved in the...Schoutissen, H. A. J.Delft, lab. de chim. org. de l‘Univ. techn., oct...
– Introduction of a methyl group in position 4 (angular position) has a deshielding effect on the proton located on carbon 5 (opposite angular position). – The main results are summarized in table I and figure 1.Martin, R. H.Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Chimie Organique, ...
The aim of this dissertation is the analysis of a French manuscript of the Légende Dorée, written at the end of the 13th century by the Dominican Jacques de Voragine and translated into French before 1348 by Jean de Vignay. This manuscript is number 266 in the Bibliothèque Municipale of ...
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TiVipedia, la Télé Augmentée更新内容 ★ LA PLUS COMPLÈTE DES APPLICATIONS TV ! ★ La grille TV, le replay, la recherche par thème, les info live, c'est 15 jours de télé dans votre poche ! Et ce n'est pas tout...- Toute la télé de rattrapage, pour le...
Beogo R, Andonaba JB, Bouletreau P, Traore Sawadogo H, Traore A. Xeroderma pigmentosum revele par des carcinomes epidermoides multiples de la face chez un enfant. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 2012;113:50-2.Beogo R, Andonaba JB, Bouletreau P, Traore Sawadogo H, Traore A. Xeroderma ...
En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de las contribuciones realizadas en el ámbito de la psicología social al estudio de la satisfacción de los usuarios y consumidores. En concreto, se constata que la investigación se ha realizado predominantemente desde acercamientos cognitivos (confirmaci...
Examines the use of medieval quest theme in the short story 'La Légende de Saint Julien L'Hospitalier,' by Flaubert. Importance of literary works of the Middle Ages for later narratives; Discussion of the journey of Julien; Elaboration on the path to sainthood of Julien.Ingram...
The first one, in E. Coli, corresponds to domains WH3-WH4. The structure shows how these two domains arranged in tandem can act in a synergic way to recognize two extruded bases : G23 and U17 in the stem-loop. These observations explain the great amount of genetic and biochemical data...
This result agrees with the proposal that preferential equatorial attack of a nucleophile is caused by conformational factors related to a steroid non-steroid conformation equilibrium in thecis-isomers.[Journal Translation]C. AgamiT. RizkR. DurandP. Genestecanadian journal of chemistry...