Rouchaud, J.Département de chimie physique organique Université Lovanium Kinshasa XI, CongoKajangwe, V.Département de chimie physique organique Université Lovanium Kinshasa XI, CongoJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges...
In this way, the Rennes manuscript has found its place in the medieval artistic production and in a larger debate; the French Légende Dorée has been re-evaluated in the medieval societydoi:10.4049/jimmunol.1102515Hume, AGrimes, SBoyce, J...
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Les pièges de la chirurgie en diagnostic et thérapeutique. Erreurs ou Fautes ou Faits présumés tels. Conditions et Limites de la Responsabilité. By Professor E. Forgue and Professor Aimes. 9 1/2 × 6 1/2 in. Pp. 510. 1939. Masson et Cie. Broché, Fr. 90; Cartonné toile, Fr...
1965. Recherches sur la resistance de l'orme d'amerique au Ceratocystis ulmi. Can. J. Bot. 43:85-96.OUELLET C.E., POMERLAU R., 1965. Recherches sur la resistance de l'orme d'Amerique au Ceratocystis ulmi. Canadian Journal of Botany 43, 85-96....
N. Thibautcanadian journal of zoologyBoilly B, Thibaut N. Etude histologique de la regeneration pharyngienne de Syllis gracilis Grube (Annelide, Polychete). Can J Zool. 1974;52:169-77.Boilly, B. & N. Thibaut, 1974. Étude histologique de la régénération pharyngienne de Syllis gracilis...
Manifestations rares de la fie[grave ]vre Q : me[acute ]ningite, e[acute ]ruption, anticoagulant circulant et granulomatose me[acute ]dullairePublication » Manifestations rares de la fie[grave ]vre Q : me[acute ]ningite, e[acute ]ruption, anticoagulant circulant et granulomatose me[acute...
ASE, not used before as reference, is highly reliable, and calibration with gravimetry (R虏 0.96; 0.98; RPD 4.8; 4.6; for acetone and hexane extract) better than published data, thanks to the 215 samples covering genotypes, harvest date, plant age, climate. The method using cross ...
They also indicate that L2 oral production at the advanced stages remains bound to a way of thinking the world which is the legacy of our L1.Chrostowski, WaldemarParis
However, the patients were only able to use this greater ROM to their benefit in one of four ADLs.M.W. MaierF. ZeifangM. CaspersT. DreherM.C. KlotzO. RettigS.I. WolfP. KastenELSEVIERRevue De Chirurgie Orthopédique Et Traumatologique...