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The results of analysis and simulations have been compared with measurements provided by the automatic air pollution network of Mexico City. This paper will explain the process used to obtain the model input data, the results of the various analyses and the intercomparison between measured and ...
A Tesla manufacturing plant in California has come under fire from local air regulators who say the electric carmaker has frequently released illegal amounts of air pollution. The Tesla manufacturing and assembly plant in Fremont has been cited for more than 110 air quality violations since 2019 —...
THE PHOTOCHEMICAL SMOG REACTIVITY OF SOLVENTS: LA REACTIVITE PHOTOCHIMIQUE DES SOLVANTS A LA POLLUTION ATMOSPHERIQUE - Proceedings of the Second International Clean Air Congress - CP 1AELSEVIERProceedings of the Second International Clean Air Congress...
CP 1A – THE PHOTOCHEMICAL SMOG REACTIVITY OF SOLVENTS: LA REACTIVITE PHOTOCHIMIQUE DES SOLVANTS A LA POLLUTION ATMOSPHERIQUEdoi:10.1016/B978-0-12-239450-8.50065-4A. LevyS. E. MillerProceedings of the Second International Clean Air Congress...