doi:10.1159/000308201Brousse, L.TGynecologic & Obstetric Investigation
The following new host records are made: Prosthodendrium (P.) ascidia from Myotis myotis ,: M. oxygnathus and Nyctalus noctula; Pycnoporus heteroporus from N. leisleri and Miniopterus schreibersi; Parabascus semi squamosus from M. schreibersi and Myotis daubentoni; P. duboisi from ...
Les glycosaminoglycannes sulfatés et leurs implications au cours de la cicatrisation cutanée : effet de leurs mimétiques de synthèseGlycosaminoglycannes (GAG), and particularly the heparan sulfates, are major constituents of the extracellular matr...
Using this method, significant changes in these polyphenols were shown to occur both in tissue concentration and total amount per bud, in samples collected during winter 1973–1974. A close relationship between chlorogenic acid concentration and state of dormancy of excised twigs was found....