网站描述 - 个字符 Información corporati** | "la Caixa" es actualmente la primera caja de ahorros de España y la tercera entidad financiera del país, y ejerce la actividad bancaria de forma indirecta a través de CaixaBank. 一般不超过200字符 竞争...
This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )doi:10.1111/1600-0498.12272Mariana SanchezJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdCentaurus
While the hype surrounding the promise of electronic commerce seems all pervasive currently, as academics there is a need to conduct empirical studies to establish balanced and credible reviews of the impacts of the Internet and associated technologies on business practice and performance. Also, while...
The growth rate of the mutants in different carbon sources, both fermentable and not, was indistinguishable from that of the parental strain, but they were unable to grow as mycelial forms after application of any of the common effective inducers, i.e., heat shock, pH alterations, proline ...
Infertilidad y pareja: construcciones narrativas como horizonte para la intervencion [Infertility and the couple: narrative constructions as an intervention proposal]. Revista Diversitas-Perspectivas en psicologia, 2(1), 149-158.Parada L. Infertilidad y pareja: construcciones narra- tivas como horizonte ...
"... Does this mean that my observations become real only when I observe an observer observing something as itappens? This is a horrible view-point. Do you seriously entertain the thought that without the observer there is no reality? Which observer? Is a fly an observer? Is a star an...