We focus on the hybridity of the seventeenth century theatre play El divino Narciso by the Mexican nun Sor Juana In茅s de la Cruz. Traditionally, critics point out that the hybrid character of the play is the consequence of an ingenious mixture of the classic ( Ovid 's Narciso) and the ...
图书Ilustraciones de la aplicación de las tecnologías de información en la empresa española 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Mesón La Campiña最新版截图 # Mesón La Campiña最新版 A través de nuestra aplicación te proponemos una experiencia integral. Ten al alcance de tu mano de forma actualizada toda la información acerca de nuestra carta, nuevos platos, promociones especiales y ...
Introduction and objectives: some relevant aspects related to parenteral nutrition in the Spanish ICUs are still unclear. These aspects include: caloric and protein intake, total volume, glycemic control, the type of lipid emulsion used or the comparison of different formulations. Our objective is ...
Garcia-Campayo J, Rodero B, Alda M, Sobradiel N, Montero J, Moreno S: Validacion de la version espanola de la escala de la catastrofizacion ante el dolor (Pain Catastrophizing Scale) para la evaluacion de la catastrofizacion en la fibromialgia. Med Clin (Barc) 2008, 131:487-92....
Lionel MessiUniversitas Scientiarum
doi:10.1007/BF02186078Elorza MVSentandreu RRuiz-Herrera JEducación MatemáticaElorza MV , Sentandreu R & Ruiz-Herrera J ( 1994 ) Isolation and characterization of yeast monomorphic mutants of Candida albicans . J Bacteriol 176 : 2318 – 2325 ....
Human being is thus an insolvable epistemic duality since science needs memory but memory itself is rather the object of custom, art and technique. Science and religion have, according to such Aristotelian premise, a necessary common imaginary.C MesaroşSalud Colectiva...
the cao maintained a high catalytic activity during five reaction cycles showing its high potential of its use in an industrial process.doi:10.4067/S0718-07642010000400008Garzón imputa a dirigentes de Batasuna por pertenencia a ETA con "pleno conocimiento"información tecnológica...
sensores de nivelIn this paper we present the construction process of four analog sensors used in converting level, position, and temperature to voltage. Each device serves two primary purposes: first, to promote the magnetic levitation research group's goals, and secondly, to offer the Colombian...