图书Millennium 2. La chica que soñaba con una cerilla y un bidón de gasolina 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
We focus on the hybridity of the seventeenth century theatre play El divino Narciso by the Mexican nun Sor Juana In茅s de la Cruz. Traditionally, critics point out that the hybrid character of the play is the consequence of an ingenious mixture of the classic ( Ovid 's Narciso) and the ...
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Mesón La Campiña最新版截图 # Mesón La Campiña最新版 A través de nuestra aplicación te proponemos una experiencia integral. Ten al alcance de tu mano de forma actualizada toda la información acerca de nuestra carta, nuevos platos, promociones especiales y ...
doi:10.1007/BF02186078Elorza MVSentandreu RRuiz-Herrera JEducación MatemáticaElorza MV , Sentandreu R & Ruiz-Herrera J ( 1994 ) Isolation and characterization of yeast monomorphic mutants of Candida albicans . J Bacteriol 176 : 2318 – 2325 ....
Nu´ n˜ ez F, Marti´nez-Costa C, Sa´ nchez-Zahonero J, Morata J, Chorro FJ, Brines J. Medida de la rigidez de la arteria caro´ tida como marcador precoz de lesio´ n vascular en nin˜ os y adolescentes con factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2010;...
the cao maintained a high catalytic activity during five reaction cycles showing its high potential of its use in an industrial process.doi:10.4067/S0718-07642010000400008Garzón imputa a dirigentes de Batasuna por pertenencia a ETA con "pleno conocimiento"información tecnológica...
Cronbach's 伪 was calculated for each subscale (Stigma, Vulnerability and Control), and correlations with CWS were performed. Expert judges' structure and CFA do not support the original structure of the questionnaire. The respecificity model (with items 10 and 13 loading on Vulnerability factor)...
Several taphonomic processes can modify the color and the texture of burnt bones making their identification difficult in archaeological contextes. In the present study, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR) was applied to characterize the modifications induced on bones by heating. Particularly, ...