This concept was developped at pilot scale using settled variable abbatoir waste and successfully applied to the operation of the full scale treatment facility receiving the same wastewaterRosa RodríguezBelén NietoEuropean Journal of Forest Pathology...
Adamczewski, B., Bugeaud, Y.: Mesures de transcendance et aspects quantitatifs de la mthode de Thue-Siegel-Roth-Schmidt. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 101(1), 1–26 (2010) MathSciNet MATHB. Adamczewski et Y. Bugeaud, Mesures de transcendance et aspects quantitatifs de ...
La Méthode 5820 次下载 暂无 好评率 0 人评论 La Méthode最新版截图 # La Méthode最新版 版本:1.0.1 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂无评论 相关信息 时间 2018/12/28 17:50 分类 新闻阅读 搞笑 开发者 开发者正在努力完善中... 相关推荐更多 lanerc 66.77MB ...
This thesis aims at determining the method David Ricardo (1772-1823) used to establish his principles and to draw conclusions about the real world. First, it shows the influence of the works of Dugald Stewart (1753-1828) and of two of his students, James Mill (1773-1836) and Francis ...
The experiment shows that the visibility of the spectral modulation of a white light source is still very high for a path difference as large as 23 cm.Claude DelisleMichel Brochucanadian journal of physics
These devices are meant to improve the mechanical behaviour of some structures used by EDF (Electricité de France). The first step of the work is to give theoretical bases on the modelling of heavily damped structures and especially viscoelastic ones. One then performs a design study for an...
On déduit une formulation matricielle générale de la méthode des orbitales cristallines autocohérentes (LCAO-SCF-CO). L'organisation du programme de calcul correspondant (POLYCOD) est décrite dans la dernière partie de ce travail. A general SCF-LCAO theory for computation of the ...
The possibility of the formation of a carbocation-like intermediate is discounted since SN1 type glycosylation reactions of19by MeOH ort-BuOH lead preferentially to products with thecis-configuration.[Journal translation]Christian H. GagnieuAnnie V. GrouillerHenri Pachecocanadian journal of chemistry...
doi:10.1002/hlca.660510438Pierre JollèsJacqueline JollèsWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta
Journal of Geophysical ResearchE. argence and M. mayot . Méthode de détermination des hauteurs vraies des couches de l’ionosphère, compte-tenue de l’action du champ magnétique terrestre. J. Geoph. Res ., 58 , pp. 147–169, June 1953....